Browse > Beneficiary (service specific) (V2)
People in need of mental health support
With You
Running group support sessions using video calling software
Choose the right tool. Plan the session and train facilitators. Help people get setup for an online group support session. How to adjust the session to suit participants.Macmillan Cancer Support
Allowing people to refer themselves via an online form
Use this Guide if you are thinking about making it quicker and easier for people to access a service. It will reduce your admin effort too.Hestia
Creating digital referral forms for services using Microsoft tools
Covers tips on form design and data security. Helps you think about what's needed in a referral process. Introduces tools such as Power Automate and Sharepoint.With You
Allowing people to book an appointment using Calendly
How to offer people who use your services an online way to book appointments. It covers advantages and disadvantages of using Calendly. Calendly connects to different brands of calendar software.With You