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Street Soccer Scotland provide free football-themed training & personal development opportunities for socially disadvantaged groups across Scotland.

Do you run a venue? Use this Guide if you want to use digital tools to collect feedback about your venue and activities. This Guide focuses on asking one question at a time using touchscreens and QR codes.

Steps to gathering feedback at a venue using Typeform

There are many types of feedback you can collect. This Guide focuses on gathering simple, anonymous responses to scale questions. You might be familiar with this format from supermarkets, libraries or other public spaces.

Simple anonymous feedback can be used for:

  • To get quick reactions to specific parts of your venue or activities so you know what to improve first

  • To get information about what people think of a project, to send to funders

  • To give people a sense of ownership of your venue. This only works if you act on what they say.

Street Soccer Scotland started collecting anonymous feedback at a new facility in Dundee. Their goal was to get feedback from players, volunteers and staff. They wanted to be able to quickly find out about problems so they could fix them promptly.

There are many different ways of collecting digital feedback at venues. You can:

  • Use QR codes, NFC stickers or URLs (web addresses) to share a link to a question that people complete on their own device

  • Have team members carry ipads or phones with online forms on them

  • Use tablets or touchscreen computers in key positions

  • Use a specialist touchscreen technology that delivers the questions

The method and number of feedback points you need will depend on the size of your venue. It will also depend on the importance you give to this feedback method. The more you want to make sure people know about it, the more points you will need.

Street Soccer Scotland wanted a method that was available whenever their venue was open. They needed a solution that didn’t have to be monitored by a member of staff or volunteer. They wanted it to be eye-catching and secure. But they also needed to balance costs.

So they chose to a mixture of tablets on podiums, QR codes on posters, and NFC stickers leading to online surveys.

They compared numerous providers of touchscreen feedback technology including Ombea, Typeform and Happy or Not. All had the features they needed. Typeform was cheaper for the feedback they wanted.

To give quick answers, people need questions that they can answer just by selecting a response, not typing words. Most live feedback tools are designed to ask either yes or no questions or questions using a scale. In the simplest format they ask only one question each time and periodically change that question.

Think carefully about what to ask. Once you have an idea of a question, ask yourself “what will we do based on how people answer”? 

You can use a research specialist to help you select your questions.

Then decide when to run which questions.

Street Soccer Scotland spoke to their university research partners. They helped them plan questions that worked well with that method.

If people follow the QR code they see the same question. They also have the option to take part in more feedback.

You need to think about:

  • Places where lots of people will see the opportunity to feedback (high footfall)

  • Places with enough space for someone to use the touchscreen

  • Disability access - is the touchscreen or poster at a suitable height for wheelchair users?

  • Health and safety risks - is the touchscreen or poster likely to cause people to be in the way of anyone else?

Street Soccer Scotland found space for their touchscreens near their entrances and in their community space. In other parts of the venue they put the QR code posters and NFC stickers. They also used existing large TV screens to advertise and point at the touchscreens.

Ask these questions:

  1. Are people using it? 
  2. Are your staff managing to change the questions to the planned schedule? 
  3. Do you need other types of feedback that you are not getting?

Street Soccer Scotland venue staff noticed that some people were not interested in using either the touchscreens or, NFC stickers or QR codes.

They decided to add a paper based suggestion box at their reception desk. This is emptied regularly by a member of staff who shares the suggestions on their team chat app.

Further information

Feedback forms need to be accessible. Check out these articles on designing for accessibility and inclusivity:

For more on Street Soccer Scotlands feedback approach contact Scott Hollinshead, Change Centre Manager (Dundee) at [email protected]

This Guide was contributed by Digital Lifelines Scotland on behalf of Street Soccer Scotland. This is an initiative led by Scottish Government’s Digital Health & Care Directorate with Connecting Scotland.