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The Carers Centre provide trusted information, advice and support to people looking after their loved ones in Bath and North East Somerset.

Showing 3 guides from The Carers Centre
  1. Streamlining case recording processes using Outlook and Salesforce

    Simplify recording email contact with people you support in a database. Use Outlook's Salesforce plugin or follow the steps to do it a different way. Saves your team time recording case notes.

  2. Creating an insights library using Trello

    Store research insights and findings in a way that's easy to access and search. How to do internal user research to help you choose the right tool and set it up to meet people's needs.

  3. Redesigning a face-to-face service using Miro

    Support collaboration and equal voices when designing. Capture and explore research data, develop ideas, map their implementation and create prototypes. Works for digital and non-digital services.