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Grapevine helps people experiencing isolation, poverty and disadvantage in Coventry and Warwickshire. It does this by strengthening individuals, sparking community action and shifting power across services.

Showing 4 guides from Grapevine
  1. Making video calling more accessible for neurodivergent people using Zoom

    How to create virtual events and meetings that are more welcoming, inclusive and accessible for neurodivergent people. Tips to make video calling more appealing and comfortable for everyone.

  2. Running online groups with young people using Discord

    Explore the benefits and risks of Discord as a tool for connecting with young people online. An interesting way to meet some young people in places where they feel comfortable.

  3. Building trust with young people using online gaming

    Gaming with young people as a youth worker? Get tips and tricks on how to build trust safely playing games with young people one on one. Includes tips on running group sessions.

  4. Building human connection with groups of people using video call software and email

    For regular online groups and small or large one-off events. Helping people feel like they belong. Communicating with them before, during and after the event. Uses Deepr’s Human Connection Framework.